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Glass Replacement Insurance

The auto glass in a modern vehicle is an integral part of its safety system. A broken or shattered glass can be a safety hazard obstructing your vision and posing a threat to your life if broken. If you are a careful driver and you want to go the safe route, you are to think about regular glass replacement and adequate Auto Glass Insurance.

Auto glass damages from all causes are covered by insurance. Auto glass damage resulting from road hazards or vandalism is covered by the Comprehensive section of your insurance, while damage caused by moving vehicle accidents is covered in the Collision section. If Auto Glass Replacement falls under the Comprehensive section - which means that the damage is not the driver's fault - it will be covered under your insurance benefits. Your only expense will be your deductible which is not nearly as expensive as the cost of the replacement.

Before you get your Auto Glass Insurance, it is important that you investigate Car Insurance companies and ask some key questions that will help you understand how the insurance coverage is set. Speak with a Car Insurance agent to verify coverage and affirm that the insurance will cover glass replacement. Find out how much your deductible will be and if it can be waived. Your premiums for Glass Coverage can be higher than the cost of replacement. You need to gauge on your own and decide whether it is better to bypass such policies altogether and consider other options.

One more important point to determine is whether your glass can be fixed or if it needs to be replaced. In some cases glass repair can be a cost-effective solution. Many Auto Glass Insurance policies allow free repairs for cracks and chips thus offsetting expensive replacement costs. Insurers may also have special policies under which you get huge discounts on your comprehensive deductible for glass repairs.

When making up your mind about the insurance company you are recommended to find out if the insurance agency has pre-approved agreement with a glass repair shop which will perform the service. Some insurance agencies and companies have an extensive network of service providers to adjust Auto Glass claims.

The whole process of glass replacement generally doesn't take more than 3 hours depending on the make of the car. You can file your replacement claim online or by phone. The services are usually performed on the spot at your home, your office or wherever you are located within 48 hours after submitting the claim. Service providers normally bill your insurance company directly. They also often provide warranty on workmanship and defects in materials. It is covered by your insurance and you just need to make a call to have a technician to take care of the problem.

When deciding on whether or not to purchase Auto Glass Insurance for your vehicle to cover glass replacement, you should keep in mind that your safety and peace of mind are worth it. Choosing a reliable insurance company and the most suitable coverage policy is what it takes.